We implement effective noise control processes and technology
To effectively manage noise and ensure we continuously improve our noise emissions over time, Port Waratah considers potential sources of noise across our operations and applies a long-term strategic focus. We implement effective plant maintenance, conduct ongoing reviews, improve noise control processes, and trial and adopt advancing technologies.
Our employees and contractors are integral to delivering effective noise management. We invest in ongoing training and education with our workforce to ensure the awareness and management of potential noise impacts remains front of mind while conducting our activities.
Ongoing regulatory compliance is demonstrated through our routine noise monitoring programme, where external consultants regularly assess our performance against noise criteria and long-term goals. Throughout 2023, we maintained full regulatory compliance with noise related conditions specified in our project approvals.
At Port Waratah, continuous improvement is business as usual. Low-noise roller trials have been ongoing at both Kooragang and Carrington terminals. More than 60 rollers have been replaced on a conveyor at the Kooragang Terminal wharf as part of the trial. In early 2023, the ongoing trial was assessed and the low-noise rollers demonstrated a sustained 2.7dB reduction in sound power. The Kooragang trial will continue to be monitored and assessed for sustained noise reduction and operational performance.
Similar to Kooragang, the Carrington low-noise roller trial has continued to demonstrate sustained reduction in sound power. These results, combined with durability and ergonomic assessment outcomes, will be used to determine long term suitability for implementation at other locations across our operations.
In 2023, we achieved our target to sustain our focus on noise management practices and developed a business-wide five-year noise improvement strategy.
Case Study
Performance dashboard for community available online
Each quarter, Port Waratah publishes a Community Dashboard on our website to provide regular updates to the community about our operational and environmental performance.
The dashboard highlights a three-month snapshot that focuses on air quality, noise performance and water management. It also includes year-to-date results for water reuse, electricity efficiency, the number of trains and vessels received, and tonnes loaded for export.
Our Community Meeting Group members worked collaboratively with us to develop the dashboard to include information relevant for local residents and of high interest to stakeholders.
The dashboard is published on the website in February,May, August and November each year.