Our annual performance and progress at a glance
Our Sustainability Performance Snapshot provides an at-a-glance overview of our annual performance against our targets and is complemented by more detailed information throughout the Sustainability Report. Our sustainability performance progress focuses on a core set of 18 targets that are important to our business and our stakeholders.
These targets were determined by the Senior Leadership Team in alignment with the materiality matrix, developed with stakeholder consultation, and feedback through Local Voices community surveys. The targets are part of a business performance metric with results recorded every six months, and additionally integrated into regular business performance monitoring.

Health & Safety
Zero work-related fatalities
Achieved in 2023.
Zero significant health exposures
Achieved in 2023.
All injury frequency rate (AIFR) of four or less (per 1,000,000 hours)
Two recordable injuries occurred in 2023, finishing the year with an AIFR of 1.88.
Licence To Operate
Three or less reportable environmental incidents
There were four reportable incidents in 2023.
Sustain dust mitigation practices and implement dust management improvement projects
Identified opportunities to enhance the belt cleaning efficiency and dust management on the exposed Kooragang Terminal stockyard and wharf conveyors through focused auditing in 2023.
Sustain noise management practices and implement noise improvement projects to progressively reduce noise emissions over time
Sustained our focus on noise management practices including the development of a business wide five-year noise improvement strategy.
Reduce sediment load in excess water released to the Hunter River compared to 2016/17 baseline year
Achieved in 2023. The weighted average concentration of total suspended sediment was 17.3mg/L which was a reduction compared to the 2016/2017 baseline.
Reduce potable water consumption compared to the previous five-year average.
Low levels of harvestable rainfall contributed to a 46% increase in consumption compared to the five-year average.
Reduce electricity consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity per tonne of coal handled compared to previous three-year average
Achieved our lowest annual emissions intensity ever recorded, however due to the relative lower tonnage exported, exceeded the target for electricity efficiency by 1.23% compared to the three-year average.
Sustain landfill waste diversion to recycling rate at 90%
Achieved a record annual landfill diversion rate of 95.3%.
Sustain community perceptions of trust and acceptance as measured by the Local Voices Community Attitude Survey
Achieved in 2023. Port Waratah conducted two Local Voices surveys during the year with results demonstrating sustained positive levels of trust and acceptance.
Sustain Port Waratah’s contribution to the regional economy each year at 75% of expenditure
Achieved 79.5% of total spend in the Hunter, a value of $140.9 million in 2023 compared to $125.4 million in 2022.
Sustain Port Waratah’s investment in the local community
Increased the total value of our Community Investment and Partnerships Programme to $850,000, which was invested in local and regional community focused projects.
Effective Organisation
Sustain commitment to supporting early careers within the Newcastle community, developing the next generation of Port Waratah employees and leaders
A total of five university scholarship students, five graduates, three trainees (one hosted) and 16 hosted apprentices were supported in early career pathways.
Increase percentage of female employees each year
Increased the number of female employees by seven in 2023 contributing to a total of 56. This represents 16.9% of employees overall, compared to 15.4% in 2022.
Operational Delivery
Meet forecast levels of total coal loaded
Achieved 88.4% of the annual forecast of total coal loaded with 95.5 Mt loaded. Tonnage was lower than forecast due to continued residual water impacts experienced by our customers in the first half of 2023 following the previous La Niña weather pattern.
Target of 92% compliance to the outbound shiploading plan
Achieved outbound plan slightly below target at 90.3% despite continued strong operational performance.
Coal Chain
Deliver a vessel turnaround time within three days
Achieved second-lowest annual vessel turnaround time in 2023 with the result of 2.8 days.