We implement opportunities to reduce our demand on nature

We focus our efforts to use potable water more efficiently, generate less waste and divert more from landfill, as well as enhance onsite biodiversity and improving land use practices.

Port Waratah to maximises water re-use opportunities across both terminals, including improving site water quality through flocculation at Kooragang and high utilisation of the Controlled Discharge Filtration System at Carrington.

The lower-than-average rainfall received throughout 2023 and high water use demand due to the drier weather placed additional pressure on our water management system and we did not achieve our target to reduce potable water consumption.

Research continued in 2023 in partnership with the University of Newcastle to study the persistence of the Green and Golden Bell Frog population on Kooragang Island.

In 2023, Port Waratah achieved its best-ever landfill diversion rate of 95.3 per cent. This year 211.4 tonnes of waste was disposed to landfill, an 18.3 per cent reduction compared to 2022.